Monday, 13 February 2012

Persuasive Essays

You need to come up with a topic and a thesis statement.

Below is the outline of unit. First draft is due Tuesday 2/21.

Argumentation or Persuasion Paper

ASSIGNMENT: Students will need to complete three drafts of a paper that takes a position on an argument and seeks to persuade a “real” audience about some topic of importance (the author should define the importance especially if the importance is not naturally apparent). The paper needs to be 3-5 pages in length and the thesis must be supported with evidence: Expert testimony or credentials, factual data, rebuttal of opposing points, and an appeal to the audience’s self-interest. The student will be expected to do some research and show this research in her/his paper. Citations should be in MLA format.

Papers will be graded on a rubric that includes: Introduction/Thesis Statement/Order of Development, Quality of Reasoning (how well you make an argument and back it up), Use of Expert Witnesses/Evidence/Rebuttal/Appeal to Self-interests, Voice/Word Choice/Audience Awareness, Grammar and Conclusion.

A minimal of three drafts will be completed, and an in-class peer review (Murray’s Feedback) and a conference with the teacher will help the student shape the work.


TOPIC DUE: 10 points. I need a topic before anyone can actually start research. This should be written down and turned in on a page with your name on it.

THESIS STATEMENT DUE: 15 points. I want a thesis statement written out and handed in so I can look over what you are arguing and where you might be going. If you can give me an itemized thesis statement (a thesis statement plus order of development) it will be easier for me to direct you.

Blog Postings of at least 3 sources in MLA format

ROUGH DRAFT 1 DUE: 25 Points.

2nd Draft Due: 25 Points.

Works Cited Page Due: 25 points.

Final Draft Due: 100 points.

The above due dates are final. If you miss a date you miss the points, and you will still be expected to turn in the assignment before I allow you to move on. You are still responsible for handing in a thesis.

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