Wednesday 4 January 2012

Huckleberry Finn Continued! 1/4


I want you to break up into groups of three. As a group I want you to figure out a way to present the first 18 chapters to class in 5-15 minutes without leaving any important information out. Note: you can break the presentation up by episodes or by chapters. I expect each of you to be more than on character. Think of this as a REDUCED HUCK FINN play (remember the Reduced Shakespeare I showed you last year). Also - include things that you found funny in the book so far. These plays will act as a review (you should have notes on each of the episodes and you should, of course, use your books).

Homework: Review the following literary terms - Satire, Bildungsroman, Picaresqure Novel, Romanticism, Realism, Persona, Episodic Plot.

Tomorrow (1/5) we will look at chapters 19 and 20.

Good LUCK and HAVE FUN! I look forward to seeing you tomorrow!

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